Free Delivery On Orders Over Rs.1500

Your username, password, and credentials are store on our website for the sake of facilitating you with online order requests. We do not store any credit or debit card information. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes. Our user’s privacy is of utmost importance to us we ensure that they are not compromised under any circumstance. You can access and modify the information you provide us and choose not to receive certain communications by signing in to your account.

Trademarks, logos, marks, or materials:

You must not use any trademarks, service marks, or any other materials appearing on the Mothercare website or blog, including any logos or characters, without the express written permission from Mothercare and the owner of the mark or materials, such as the brands and/or their official distributors in Pakistan.

Product Information, Pricing, and Inventory:

• All products, their descriptions, specifications, pictures, videos, and prices are as provided by Mothercare.
• All inventory is maintained and managed by Mothercare.
• All prices are regularly checked and updated by Mothercare.
• Where products are not available in the company’s inventory, they will either not appear on the website, or a lead-time may be specified for order fulfillment.
• At times, certain products may be available for pre-ordering, which will be clearly mentioned.
Mothercare Whatsaap